Friday, 9 March 2012

Brocade FOS Up gradation Steps

Brocade FOS Up gradation Steps.
1.       Backing up the existing switch configuration to the local server by cmd “configupload”.
For Example:
switch1:admin> configupload
Server Name or IP Address [host]:
User Name [user]: matty
File Name [config.txt]: switch1_config.txt
Protocol (RSHD or FTP) [rshd]: ftp
upload complete
For download put configdownload.

2.       Tag all the fiber cable and unplug it from the switch.
3.       Download the FOS version 6.1.0c from the brocade site.
4.       Take the putty of the switch.
5.       Enter the version cmd to check the current version.
6.       Enter the nsShow cmd to check the entire device directly connected to the switch.
7.       Enter the nsAllShow cmd to check the entire connected device to the fabric.
8.       Enter the fabricshow cmd to check all switches in the fabric
9.       Enter the Firmwareshow cmd to chek the primary and secondary partion.
10.   Enter the Firmwaredownload cmd to download the new version.
For example:
switch:admin> firmwaredownload 
Server Name or IP Address:
FTP User Name: JohnDoe
File Name:  /release.plist
FTP Password:
You can run firmwaredownloadstatus to get the status
of this command.
This command will cause the switch to reset and will
require that existing telnet, secure telnet or SSH
sessions be restarted.
Do you want to continue [Y]: y
11.   Enter the firmwaredownloadstatus cmd to check the current status of the upgrade process.
12.   Enter the firmwareshow cmd to check the primary and secondary partition version.
13.   Plugin all the fiber cable and check the connectivity.
14.   Enter the nsShow cmd to check the entire device directly connected to the switch.
15.   Enter the nsAllShow cmd to check the entire connected device to the fabric.
16.   Enter the fabricshow cmd to check all switches in the fabric.

Backing up Brocade switch configurations
Brocade switches have become one of the most widely deployed componets in most Storage Area Networks (SANs). One thing that has led to Brocade’s success is their robust CLI, which allow you to view and modify almost every aspect of their switch. This includes zoning configurations, SNMP attributes, domain ids, switch names and network addresses, etc. All of this configuration information is necessary for the switch to function properly, and should be periodically backed up to allow speedy recovery when disaster hits.
Each Brocade switch comes with the “configUpload” and “configDownload” commands to back up a switch configuration to a remote system, or to restore a configuration from a remote system. ConfigUplaod has two modes of oepration: interactive mode and automatic mode. To use the interactive mode to upload a config from a switch named switch1 to an ftp server with the IP address, configUpload can be run to walk you through backing up the configuration:
switch1:admin> configupload
Server Name or IP Address [host]:
User Name [user]: matty
File Name [config.txt]: switch1_config.txt
Protocol (RSHD or FTP) [rshd]: ftp
upload complete
After the configuration is uploaded, you will have a text file with you switches configuration on the remove server:
$ ls -l sw*
-rw-r--r--   1 matty    other       7342 Jul  7 09:15 switch1_config.txt
To restore a configuration, you can use the configDownload command. Both of these commands allow the paramters to be passed as arguments to the script, so they are ideal for automation (there is a backup script on the Brocade support site that can be used to automate configuration backups)

Testing and Restoring the Firmware version.

1.Enter the firmwaredownload –s cmd and set the auto commit options to “no”.

For example:

switch:admin> firmwaredownload -s
Server Name or IP Address:
FTP User Name: william
File Name:  /pub/v5.1.0/release.plist
FTP Password:
Do Auto-Commit after Reboot [Y]:  n
Reboot system after download [N]: y
Firmware is being downloaded to the switch. This step may take up to 30
Checking system settings for firmwaredownload...

2. Restore back to the olderversion by “firmwareRestore” cmd.
3. Then enter the “firmwarecommit” to commit the olderversion.

Checking to be done after the upgradation activity on switch side.

firmwareShow Displays the current firmware level on the switch. For SilkWorm directors this
command displays the firmware loaded on both partitions (primary and
secondary) for both CPs. Brocade reco mmends that you maintain the same
firmware level on both partitions of  each CP within the SilkWorm director.

nsShow (Optional) Displays all devices directly connected to the switch that have logged
into the Name Server. Make sure the  number of attached devices after the
firmware download is exactly the same as  the number of attached devices prior to
the firmware download.

nsAllShow (Optional) Displays all connected devices to a fabric. Make sure the number of
attached devices after the firmware down load is exactly the same as the number
of attached devices prior to the firmware download.

fabricShow (Optional) Displays all switches in a fabric. Make sure the number of switches in
the fabric after the firmware download  is exactly the same as the number of
attached devices prior to the firmware download.