Thursday, 19 July 2012

Fc switch configuration of Brocade switch

Fc switch configuration of Brocade switch
To configure the SAN environment in NetApp first check by inter-operability matrix tool that each and every component is supported by NetApp check whether the switch, Ontap version, switch firmware version, the OS version, is supported by NetApp or not.
Data Ontap support the given fabric.
Single –fabric

Switch should have unique domain id. NetApp recommend starting the domain id from 10, because some devices already reserve some ids, so it is recommended to start the domain id from 10 to escape the conflict. And it there are two fabrics then gives the odd numbers to the 2nd fabric.

Advantage of zoning
Zoning reduces the number of paths between a host and logical unit number (LUN).
Zoning keeps the primary and the secondary path in different zones.
Zoning improves the security by limiting the access between nodes.
Zoning increases the reliability by isolating the problems.
Zoning also reduces the cross talks between the host initiators and the hba.

The two method of zoning
Port zoning: zoning done by grouping physical switch ports.
WWN: worldwide Name zoning the zones are created by the wwpn(worldwide port name) or wwnn(worldwide node name).
Brocade switch only uses the hardware switch enforcement and cisco switch uses both the hardware and software switch enforcement, means the in hardware enforcement everywhere will be used as WWN name format and it is highly performance output and if we use the software enforcement mixed WWPN and WWNN are used which does not give performance as hardware enforcement method.

FC Zoning recommendations by NetApp
 Use WWPN zoning.
When there is 4 or more than 4 server then do the zoning.
Limit zone size
Use single –Initiator zoning.

Configuring the Brocade FC switch.
1.       Perform the initial configuration steps.
2.       Upgrade firmware if needed.
3.       Assign the domain ID.
4.       Assign the port speed.
5.       Verify the configuration.
6.       Verify the host and storage connectivity.
7.       Create the FC zones.
8.       Save and backup the configuration.
9.       Obtain the technical support.

Brocade Switch: Perform the initial Configuration steps.

Configure the Management Interface
Give the IP address, subnet mask, Gateway address.

Give the Host name of the switch
Give the administration password
The default access for the brocade switch is login: admin and password: password

It is best practice to use the same version of firmware or Fabric OS in the entire SAN switch
By giving the “version” cmd we can check the current version on the switch.
And by giving the “FirmwareDownlad” cmd we can use for the Brocade switch upgradation.
 By default the Domain ID of the switch is 1 you should change the ID as per the best practice of the brocade documentation.

Step to change the ID of the switch.
1.       Enter the switchDisable cmd.
2.       Enter the configure cmd
3.       At the Fabric parameter prompt enter “yes”.
4.       At the Domain prompt enter the Domain ID.
5.       And at all the other prompt press Enter and let it is the default.
6.       Use the switchEnable cmd to enable the switch.

After you assign the Domain Id you should assign the port speed to avoid negotiation error.
 The cmd to configure the port speed is portCfgSpeed [slot/]port, speed
For ex:
Brocade>portCfgSpeed 0, 2

Use the swithcShow cmd to verify the switch configuration.
Check the switch Domain ID.
Check the port speed , the port speed is 1G, 2G,4G,8G and the negotiation speed is N1, N2, N4, N8.

Now the last step is to create the Alias and the zone.
1.       Create alias by aliCreate cmd
For ex:
aliCreate  WinA, 21:00:00:00:1b:32:1a:8b:1c

2.       Create Zones by zoneCreate cmd
For ex:
zoneCreate WinpriA, “winA;Fas01A”

3.       create configuration cfgCreate cmd
For ex:
cfgCreate Wincfg, “WinpriA;WinpriB”

4.       store the configuration by cfgSave cmd

5.       Activate the configuration by cfgEnable cmd.

We can use the supportSave cmd to retrieve the support data. This cmd will generate the support log files and you can save this support files to some server by giving the server IP.

Saturday, 7 July 2012

NetApp performance Data Collection Command & Tools(NFS)

NetApp performance Data Collection Command & Tools(NFS)
The following Data Ontap tools can be used to collect the performance data:
Sysstat, nfsstat, nfs.mounted.trace, netstat, ifstat, nfs_hist, stats, statit, netdiag and wafl_susp, pktt
And from client side.
Ethereal,, perfstat, sio.
nfsstat : Display statistical information about NFS and remote procedure call (RPC) for storage system. Per client stats can be collected and displayed via nfs.per_client_stats.enable
nfsstat options
nfsstat –h : Display per-client statistics since last zeroed.
nfsstat –l : Display list of clients whose statistics were collected on per-client basis.
nfsstat –z: zeroes current cumulative and per-client statistics
nfsstat –c: includes reply cache statistics.
nfsstat –t: Display incoming messages in addition to reply cache statistics.
nfsstat –C: Dislpay number and type of NFS v2, v3 requests received by all FlexCache volumes.
nfsstat –d : this diagnostic option allows for debugging of all NFS-related traffic on the network. this cmd is most commonly used option used to decode export and mountd problem.

NFS Mounting monitoring
NFS mountd traces enables tracing of denied mount requests against the storage system
-Enable option only during session as there is a possibility of numerous syslog hits during DOS attacks.
This option should only be enabled during a debug session.
“options nfs.mountd.trace on

nfs_hist command Overview
Advanced command that display NFS delay time distributions
Syntax nfs_hist [-z]
-z reinitializes delay distributions so that subsequent use displays information about messages processed since distributions were zeroed.
This is advanced mode command.
In takeover mode this display combined delay distributions for the live storage system and failed system.
This command is good to understand that how the system is working when one is attempting to understand NFS performance issue.

pktt overview
 It is Data ontap utility for packet capture and captures data for further analysis by support personal
Syntax: pktts start  <if>|all [-d dir] [-m pklen] [-b bsize] [-i ipaddr –i…]
For ex:
pktt start fa3 –d / -s 100m –b 128k
This starts capturing traffic on the “fas3” interface , writing to a file called  “/fa3.trc”, which will be allowed to grow to a maximum size of 100MB with a 128KB buffer.

Reading the packet trace. Script Overview
A perl script , downloadable from the NOW site and this display top NFS Clients currently most active for the storage system.
-Assists in identifying problematic clients by providing per-client NFS operation statistics.
-Use on Solaris, Linux or other versions of UNIX
-Patches also available for unresolved hostnames and for the limitation of intervals recalculation.
To use it
-Download script to your UNIX home directory
-Run it from the shell prompt , specifying the storage system you want.

Recommended statistics to collect
From the client
# nfsstat –z (zero the NFS statistics at the client)
# netstat –I (network statistics before the tests)
-Mount the storage system volume with rsize, wsize =32768
# mount –o rsize=32768,wsize=32768 storagesystem:/,export><mountpoint>
# cd <mountpoint>
# nfsstat –m (output of the mountpoints and the mount flags)

Time the mkfile command
# time mkfile 1g test (write test)
Time the dd command
# time dd if=/<mountpoint>/test of=/test (read test)
Time the copy command
#time cp test test1 (read and write test)
Verify nfsstat output
nfsstat –c

check the following parameter;
1.       Timeout>5% request timing out before the server can answer them.
2.       Badxid~timeout server slo. Check nfsstat –m
3.       Badxid~0 and timeouts>3% Packets lost in the network , check netstat.  If this numbet is the same as bad calls the network is congested.
4.       Retrans. May indicate network or routing problem if retransmit>5%

sio utility
-Acronym for simulated I/O
_general-purpose load generator
-Allow for different block size read and write ops
-Performs synchronous I/Os to the specified file(s)
-collects basic statistics
sio Read% Rand% Blk_Size File_Size Seconds Thread Filename [Filename]