Saturday 11 August 2012

How to get user cifs client information by using "cifs top" cmd

Cifs TOP command
The cifs top command is used to display the cifs clients activity based on the number of different criteria. It can display which clients are generating large amounts of load, as well as help identify clients that may be behaving suspiciously.
This command relies on data collected when the cifs.per_client_stats.enable option is “on”, so it must be used in conjunction with that option. Administrator should be aware that there is overhead associated with collecting the per-client stats. This overhead may noticeably affect the storage system performance.
-s <sort> specifies how the client stats are to be sorted. Possible values of <sort>. Are ops, read, writes, iops and suspicious. These values may be abbreviated to the first character, and the default is ops. They are interpreted as follows.
ops sort by number of operations per second of any type.
suspicious sort by the number of “suspicipus” events sent per second by each client. “suspicious” events are any of the following which are typical of the patterns seen when viruses or other badly behaved software or users are attacking a system.
For ex:
Cifs top –n 3 –s w
If vfiler volumes are licensed, the per-user statistics are only available when in a vfiler context. This means the cifs top command must be invoked in a vfiler context.
For ex:
System> vfiler run vfiler0 cifs top.

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