Saturday 15 September 2012

How to configure the netApp FC lun in windows server

How to configure the netApp FC lun in windows server

Check for the ports in FC lun configuration we need to turn the port from initiator to the target, by default the ports are in initiator mode.
The cmd to change the port from initiator to the target mode is
Netapp> fcadmin config –d 0c 0d
Netapp> fcadmin config  -t target 0c 0d
Netapp> reboot
NOTE:To configure the port from initiator to the target , the storage need a reboot to apply the changes.
NOTE: For FC lun we need to change the port to the target mode.
Then you can add the cluster license and enable the cluster.
Configure the FC HBA on each the storage controller.
Netapp> fcp status (this cmd will check that the fcp service is running or not.)
The output will show you that the FCP service is licensed or not if not the add the license by license add cmd
Identify the WWNN of your storage controller.
Netapp> fcp nodename
Record the WWNN number of the storage controller.
Important note:  In single image cluster failover mode (cfmode) both storage controllers (system1 and system2) in the storage system pair need to have the same FCP nodename. You can verify using the command.
Netapp> lun config_check
If the lun config_check generate the mismatch of the WWNN of the storage controllers in the storage system pair, you need to set the nodename of the one of the storage controller same as of the other.
For ex: to change the nodename of the netapp storage 2, where the node name was not same as of the storage netapp1
Netapp2> fcp nodename 500a098086982dd0
 List the installed FC target HBAs.
Netapp> fcp show adapters
In the above cmd you will get to know that wheater the port of the fcp adapter is online or offline and you will come to know that the HBA card is of which company and you will get the WWNN number of the port which you can note it down.
If you found that the FC port is down and you want to bring that FC port up then the cmd for that.
Netapp> fcp config  0c up
Now when you did the port 0c up from the storage end, and if the cable is coming from the switch side then check on the switch side.
Switch> switchshow
Here you need to check clearly that you will see that four ports will be in online mode in which 2 ports will be of the storage and other will be its partner node. So cross check clearly that which port are of your storage and which are of your partners.
Write down the WWNN numbers of port 0c and 0d of your storage system and of your partner systems.
Now then enter the cmd on your storage.
Netapp> fcp show initiators.
This cmd will show the windows host initiators on your storage side, this will tell you that whether your storage system deducted the host.
After this you need to enable the multipath services from the windows side and install the Netapp DSM for the windows, and install the windows host utility kit.

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