Tuesday 17 January 2012

procedure to download & upgrade the netapp disk firmware .

Please find the below procedure to download the latest disk firmware from NetApp now site.

1.           Log in to NetApp now site. “now.netapp.com”
2.           Go to the Download tab.
3.          Under Download tab you will find the Firmware tab
4.          Under Firmware tab you will find the Disk Drive & Firmware matrix tab click on that tab.

Procedure to upgrade the Disk firmware.

Note 1: Schedule the disk firmware update during times of minimal usage of the filer as this activity is intrusive to the normal processing of disk I/O.

Note 2: Since updating the disk firmware involves spinning the drive down and back up again, it is possible that a volume can become offline if upgrading 2 or more of the same drive types in the same RAID group. This is because when you upgrade disk firmware, you are upgrading the disk firmware of all the same drive types in parallel. When encountering a situation like this, it is best to schedule a maintenance window to upgrade the disk firmware for all disks.

Option #1 - Upgrade the Disk Firmware in the Background

1.        Check or set the raid.background_disk_fw_update option to on
To Check:         options raid.background_disk_fw_update.enable
To Set:              option raid.background_disk_fw_update.enable on
2.       Place the new disk firmware File into the /etc/disk_fw directory

The system will recognize the new available version and will non-disruptively upgrade all the disks requiring a firmware update to that new version in the background.

Option #2 – Upgrade the disk firmware during a system reboot
1. Check or set the raid.background_disk_fw_update option to OFF
To Check:         options raid.background_disk_fw_update.enable
To Set:              option raid.background_disk_fw_update.enable off
2. Place the new disk firmware File into the /etc/disk_fw directory

Schedule a time to perform a system reboot. Note that the reboot will take longer as the reboot process will be suspended while the disk firmware is upgraded. Once that is complete the system will continue booting into Data ONTAP.

Option #3 – Upgrade the disk firmware manually
1. Check or set the raid.background_disk_fw_update option to OFF
To Check:         options raid.background_disk_fw_update.enable
To Set:              option raid.background_disk_fw_update.enable off
                2. Place the new disk firmware file into the /etc/disk_fw directory
                3. Issue the disk_fw_update command

The above given are the three procedure for upgrading the disk firmware.


  1. thank you ..
    excellent and helpful article.

  2. quite straight and easy procedure good one !!

  3. Thanks alot vajpayee really great explanations about disk firmware.....i was struggling to know about the firmware upgrades ..now it is clear and good...
